Monday, May 5, 2008

Eustress, or epiphany of forgotten ideals

I could have named this entry “the times, they are a-changin’”, after the classic Bob Dylan song. Certainly this was the - somewhat nostalgic - impression I got after a discussion I had with my sister about life in New York. But it is the experiences, filled, as they are, with fond memories of a life that was alternately marked with grandiose dreams and uncompromising hardships, which made life in New York so indelibly meaningful. And although I do not see myself living in New York again for any extended period of time, those experiences I have had still continue to color the life I live today and my hopes for the future in ways that are not readily apparent. For example, my three favorite magazines all have the name “New York” in them. Also, I recall, as a student at a university coincidently with the words “New York” in its name, occasionally browsing journal articles on political theory in the computer lab – a seemingly idle way to spend one’s time, but possibly prescient given my current interest in ethics? Actually I believe those periods of unbridled hope are what’s important; they are the reason I remember New York so fondly, in spite of all the not so good things; and those times, and others like them, are why I am grateful for all I have been blessed with in life.

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