Sunday, March 23, 2008

Profile in courage

Earlier I read an article in the IHT where a moderate Republican, who like many was heartened by Obama’s speech, relay why it is that she was so attracted to Obama’s candidacy. Discovering Obama accidentally – she was assigned his book Dreams From My Father as member of a book club – she said one of the most appealing things about Obama was that he “understands the validity of everyone’s point of view, he incorporates that into his own thinking and approach.” I have noticed that, too. Another interesting observation that gives a window into his political style and approach is his admiration of Lincoln. One of his favorite books, I believe, is Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Team of Rivals. In that book, Goodwin talked about how Lincoln included in his cabinet people who were once political adversaries. On the campaign trail, similarly, I believe I heard Obama indicate a willingness, although being avowedly progressive, to do just that if he is elected. In handling the recent crisis – and I agree that it is unreasonable to expect congregants to share the political views of their pastors – Obama’s approach demonstrated grace under pressure, honesty and reconciliation as opposed to confrontation and defensiveness. This was certainly Obama’s “profile in (moral) courage.”

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